Located in the Melbourne suburb of Bundoora, La Trobe University presents a world-class university experience in one of the world’s most liveable cities. It’s also committed to providing a safe environment for all students, staff and visitors by improving lighting in public spaces around the Melbourne campus, including residential areas, carparks and central campus locations.
Over the last two years, Urban Lighting Group has been involved in delivering three stages of lighting upgrades to the university. Phase 1 included the construction and installation of 164 new light poles in and around residential and Union precincts along Centre Way, College Drive and Moat Drive.
Phase 2 saw 550 new energy efficient lights and 87 new light poles installed in and around the Agora, the main teaching area pathways, the Sports Field Link and along Science Drive.
As part of this Public Lighting Project we worked with the primary lighting consultant and electrical contractor to design a range of dedicated lighting and banner poles.